Metal Castings | Search Results

Business Type

Metal Castings

Metal Castings

Metal Castings

Metal Castings

Metal Castings

Metal Castings Light Petch Metal Co., Ltd. Registered Capital 4.5 Million Baht Tax ID 0505559008333 Factory located on Chiang Mai - Lampang Road. (Highway 11) from downtown to Lampang. Drive through the sun. The company is located right next to Lanna Industrial Gas.

Metal Castings Thai Sanko Co Ltd

Importer of chemical vulcanizations for castings, such as Metal Smasher Air extinguisher in castings Industrial furnace suppliers such as furnaces, industrial furnaces, hot furnaces, gas furnaces, fuel oil, aluminum furnaces, copper, bronze, brass, zinc, magnesium, iron furnace, furnace, induction