piles | Search Results

Business Type

Concrete Products Paco (Piles) Pathumthani Concrete Co Ltd

Precast concrete manufacturer, precast concrete parts manufacturer Precast production Ready-to-use concrete products such as prefabricated piles.

Contractors-Pile Driving Bangkok Bore Piles Engineering 999 Co Ltd

Piling Contractors' Equipment The United Piles And Concrete Co Ltd

Furthermore, We provides many types of construction materials such as plywood, zinc, piles, construction brinks, concrete pipes, septic tanks, metal sheets, wire mesh, etc. and provide consultation services regarding construction material selection.

Piling Contractors' Equipment Metropolitan Aggregate & Concrete Piles Co Ltd

To prefabricate precast concrete piles with precast system Contact Charoensuk Precast. Contact number: 08-1555-9501 08-1643-6010

Building Materials

Contract manufacturing services for prestressed concrete piles and other concrete products Product samples or customer specifications There is a stock of steam piles. barbed wire fence post Finished floor, stone edge, ready for immediate delivery Quick delivery in the area of ​​Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi

Use standard piles or bored piles. depending on the area focus on strong structure Use grade A structural steel. The main steel plant has TIS. Built once, can live for a lifetime. standardized concrete mixes Curing concrete according to factory values.